Thursday, November 1, 2018

2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Philosophy, Paper III

1. According to the Nyāya pramā is
(A) Correct cognition of previously unknown object.
(B) Correct smr. ti.
(C) Correct presentative cognition of a character of an object which actually there is
(D) Samyakj~nana
Answer: (C)

2. According to Nyāya-Vaiśeika, the relation between muktātmā and sukhābhāva is
(A) Sa yoga
(B) Svarūpa
(C) Samavāya
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)

3. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer code from below:
List – I                        List – II
(Buddhist Schools)     (Tenets)
a. Vaibhāshika             i. External objects are known by inference.
b. Mādhyamika           ii. External objects are directly perceived.
c.Yogāchāra                iii. The knower, the known and the knowledge are mutually dependent.
d. Sautrāntika              iv. Things in the external world are actual states of cognition.
        a b c d
(A) iii ii iv i
(B) iii ii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) ii iii i iv
Answer: (C)

4. The process of arriving at universal propositions from the particular facts of experience is called
(A) Mental construction
(B) Simple causation
(C) Inductive generalisation
(D) Formal proof of validity
Answer: (C)

5. Which one of the statements in the following does not reflect the true Gandhian perspective of thought?
(A) Non-violence is an active moral struggle against evil.
(B) Hate the sin and not the sinner.
(C) Punishment must be retributive in nature.
(D) Violence is not always wrong.
Answer: (C)

6. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct code as given:
List – I            List – II
(Religion)        (Aspiring Process)
a. Buddhism    i. Gunasthanek
b. Islam           ii. Namasmarana
c. Sikhism        iii. Astāngmarga
d. Jainism        iv. Praying five times a day
       a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv ii i iii
Answer: (C)

7. ‘Sarvadharma Sambhava’, according to Gandhi means
(A) All religions should be synthesised.
(B) All religions teach moral values.
(C) All religions are to be treated equally.
(D) There is the unity of all religions.
Answer: (C)

8. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct code as given:
List – I                        List – II
Religion                       Scripture
a. Zoroastrianism         i. Granth Saheb
b. Judaism                   ii. Avesta
c. Sikhism                    iii. Tripitakas
d. Buddhism               iv. Talmud
       a b c d
(A) i iv iii ii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii ii iv i
Answer: (D)

9. Which of the following theories holds that a true proposition describes an actual state-of-affairs?
(A) Coherence Theory
(B) Pragmatic Theory
(C) Phenomenological Theory
(D) Correspondence Theory
Answer: (D)

10. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer by using codes given below:
List – I                                    List – II
a. Ramanuja                            i. Anirvaćaniya Khyātivāda
b. Bouddha Vij~nānavāda      ii. Anyathā Khyātivāda
c. Nyāya                                  iii. Ātma Khyātivāda
d. Advaita Vedānta                iv. Satkhyātivāda
       a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii ii iv i
Answer: (B)
11. Who holds that the conditions of cognitions are not the conditions of their validity?
(A) Svatahprāmānyavādins
(B) Paratahprāmānyavādins
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer: (B)

12. Who among the following is not abhihitānvayavādin?
(A) Gautama
(B) Prabhākara
(C) MurāriMiśra
(D) Kumārīla
Answer: (B)

13. Nirvikalpakaj~nāna, according to the Nyāya, is
(A) Non-expressible and at ndriya
(B) First stage of pratyaks. a and expressible
(C) Expressible and can be known by anumāna
(D) None of the above
Answer: (A)

14. ‘Laukika Sannikarsha’ accepted by Naiyāyikās are:
(A) Sam. yoga, Samavāya, Sayukta-Samavāya
(B) Samavāya, Sayukta- Samaveta-Samavāya
(C) Samaveta, Samavāya, Visheshan-Visheshya-bhāva
(D) All the above
Answer: (D)

15. Which one among the following is the vitiating condition for establishing vyāpti according to Nyāya?
(A) Upādhi
(B) Asat Pratipaksha
(C) Viruddha
(D) Bādhita
Answer: (A)

16. Prātibhāsikasattā, Vyavahārikasattā and Pāramārthikasattā, all refers to
(A) One reality
(B) Two realities
(C) Three realities
(D) No reality at all
Answer: (A)

17. What type of Kāran.a of the world God is, according to the Vaiśes.ikas?
(A) Samavāyikāra a
(B) Sahakārkāra a
(C) Asamavāyikāra a
(D) Nimittākāra a
Answer: (D)

18. Which one of the following represents correctly similar nityadravyas?
(A) Manas, ātman, ākāśa
(B) Paramā u, ākāśa, kāla
(C) Akāśa, kāla, ātman
(D) Manas, kāla, ātman
Answer: (C)

19. According to the Naiyāyikas destruction of what type of cause is the cause of the destruction of the effect?
(A) Samavāyikāra a
(B) Asamavāyikāra a
(C) Nimittakāra a
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)

20. What type of sāmānya, gun. atva is?
(A) Parasāmānya
(B) Aparasāmānya
(C) Parāparasāmānya
(D) Akhan. opādhi
Answer: (C)
21. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
List – I                        List – II
a. Rāmānujācārya        i. Chit, Achit, Ishwara
b. Madhvācārya          ii. Pre-sakara Vedānta
c. Yoga-Vas.iśtha        iii. Savis.Eśa Brahmavāda
d. Vivartavāda                        iv. Advaita Vedanta
       a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) i iii ii iv
(D) i iv iii ii
Answer: (C)

22. Consider List – I & List – II and select the code given below which is correctly matched:
List – I                        List – II
a. Śakara                      i. Dvaitavāda
b. Ramanuja                ii. Advaitavāda
c. Nimbārka                 iii. Viśiadvaitavāda
d. Madhva                   iv. Dvaitādvaitavāda
       a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) ii iii i iv
Answer: (C)

23. The function in terms of which all the constants of truth-functional system can be defined, is called
(A) Strawson’s stroke function
(B) Russell’s stroke function
(C) Sheaffer’s stroke function
(D) Whitehead’s stroke function
Answer: (C)

24. Which one of the following is a fundamental law of thought?
(A) Law of Reasoning
(B) Law of Excluded Middle
(C) Law of Compatibility
(D) Law of Double Negation
Answer: (B)

25. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from given code:
List – I                                                            List – II
a. (p q).(r s) / – p ν – r – q ν – s             i. De M.
b. –(p . q) / – p ν – q                                        ii. Disjunctive syllogism
c. p ν q / q – p                                              iii. Transportation
d. (p q) / (–q – p)                                  iv. Destructive Dilemma
       a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) iv i ii iii
Answer: (Wrong question)

26. Select the correct option from given below:
(x) [Kx. (y) (Ly My)] (x) Kx [(y) (Ny . My) Ox] (y) (Ny . Ly) (x) is
(A) Valid
(B) Invalid
(C) True
(D) False
Answer: (Wrong question)

27. In the proposition ‘Very few men are honest’
(A) Only subject term is distributed.
(B) Only predicate term is distributed.
(C) Both the subject term and predicate term is distributed.
(D) Neither of the terms is distributed.
Answer: (D)

28. In the traditional square of opposition if ‘I’ proposition is false, which one of the following can be determined?
(A) A, E and O are undetermined.
(B) A, E and O are false.
(C) A is true, E is true and O is false.
(D) A is false, E is true and O is true.
Answer: (D)

29. Which one of the following is the equivalent of ~ p q?
(A) p ~ q
(B) q ν p
(C) q ~ p
(D) ~ q ~ p
Answer: (B)

30. ‘p.q’, ‘p ν q’, ‘p q’ and ‘ p ≡ q’ are all true only when
(A) p is true and q is false.
(B) p is false and q is true.
(C) p and q are both false.
(D) p and q are both true.
Answer: (D)

31. When two propositions about the same subject-matter cannot both be true together; they are
(A) Contradictories
(B) Contraries
(C) Either contraries or contradictories
(D) Both contraries and contradictories
Answer: (C)

32. Which one of the following is a propositional function?
(A) All cows are white or all cows are black.
(B) If Socrates is a man, then he is mortal.
(C) X is pretty.
(D) For any x, if x is a man, then x is rational.
Answer: (C)

33. When one mistakes one kind of facts with some other kind, one commits a
(A) Hypothetical mistake
(B) Legal mistake
(C) Moral mistake
(D) Categorical mistake
Answer: (Wrong question)

34. According to ‘representationalism’, a belief accounts for knowledge
(A) Only if it is a false belief.
(B) Only if it is a true belief.
(C) Only if it is indifferent to truth and falsity.
(D) Only if it does not picture reality.
Answer: (B)

35. G.E. Moore is an ethical
(A) Cognitivist
(B) Non-cognitivist
(C) Descriptivist
(D) Non-descriptivist
Answer: (C)

36. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List – I                                    List – II
a. Antinomy of quality            i. The world is either finite or infinite.
b. Antinomy of quantity         ii. Matter is either indivisible or infinitely divisible.
c. Antinomy of modality        iii. The world must have a cause or no cause.
d. Antinomy of relation          iv. All changes and conditions presuppose something that does not change and is unconditioned.
       a b c d
(A) iii iv i ii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) i ii iii iv
(D) ii i iv iii
Answer: (D)

37. Which of the followings are true for Kant?
(A) Knowledge of the phenomena alone is possible.
(B) Noumena remain unknown and unknowable.
(C) Phenomena remains unknown and unknowable.
(D) Knowledge of noumena alone is possible.
Answer: (Wrong question)

38. Kant’s Conception of the ‘Kingdom of ends’ approximates to the Gita’s Conception of ______.
(A) Asceticism
(B) Solidarity of humanity
(C) Humanism
(D) Atheism
Answer: (B)

39. Ontological Dualism is a theory which held _______
(A) Mind and body are different entities acting together.
(B) Mind and matter are independent of each other.
(C) There are two ultimate realities which act together in coherent manner.
(D) There are two ultimate realities independent of each other.
Answer: (D)

40. According to Nyāya system vyatirekavyāpti between hetu and sādhya obtains when
(A) All cases of hetu are cases of absence of sādhya.
(B) Some cases of hetu are cases of sādhya.
(C) Some cases of sādhya are cases of hetu.
(D) All cases of absence of sādhya are cases of absence of hetu.
Answer: (D)

41. W.V.O. Quine is an ontological relativist because he believes in
(A) Inscrutability of reference
(B) Picture theory of meaning
(C) Forms of life
(D) Family resemblances
Answer: (A)

42. True knowledge according to J. Krishnamurti is
(A) Revealed by mystics
(B) Conditioned by experience
(C) Obtained by religious reflection
(D) Unconditional awareness
Answer: (D)

43. The problem of intentionality is thatof understanding the relation between
(A) A mental state and corresponding physical state
(B) Different mental states
(C) Mental state and the thing it is about
(D) Different bodily states
Answer: (C)

44. Heideger characterises Dase in in terms of
(A) Affective isolation of being
(B) Being-in-itself
(C) being-for-itself
(D) Affecting relationship with surrounding people and objects
Answer: (D)

45. “What kind of world we perceive and experience depends upon what kind of beings we are.” This is the conclusion of
(A) Kant
(B) Descartes
(C) Aristotle
(D) Spinoza
Answer: (A)

46. Truth of reason is justified by
(A) Law of contradiction and principles of sufficient reason
(B) Principles of sufficient reason alone
(C) Law of contradiction alone
(D) Laws of intuitive imagination
Answer: (C)

47. Within a scientific system of propositions
(A) All propositions can be proved and all terms can be defined.
(B) Not all propositions can be proved but all terms can be defined.
(C) All propositions can be proved but not all terms can be defined.
(D) Not all propositions can be proved and not all terms can be defined.
Answer: (D)

48. Human Right presupposed
(A) Dignity of human being
(B) Proper living condition of a human being in a particular setup
(C) Rights of human being in a particular society
(D) Universal Rights of human being in a particular society
Answer: (A)

49. Which one of the options of the followings correctly matches with moral obligation?
(A) Physical compulsion
(B) Self-imposition
(C) External authority
(D) None of these
Answer: (B)

50. According to Kant, moral duty is
(A) A command of God
(B) Given by one’s intuition
(C) The imperative of pure reason
(D) Determined by morality
Answer: (C)

51. “We have no right to commit suicide because our life is a joint property of our own and others.” This sentence falls under the domain of
(A) Our duty towards our society
(B) Our duty towards our family
(C) Our duty towards ourselves
(D) Our duty towards all of these
Answer: (D)

52. Which one of the following statements is an incorrect statement?
(A) J.S. Mill does not offer a reasonable explanation of moral obligation.
(B) Sidgwick is a hedonist in his view of the highest good.
(C) Moral judgement depends upon moral sentiments.
(D) According to Aesthetic-Sense- Theory, Beauty is the Ultimate Standard of morality.

53. Which one of the following provides the metaphysical ground of morality?
(A) Cardinal Virtue
(B) Freedom and Responsibility
(C) Immortality of Soul
(D) Growth of Character
Answer: (C)

54. Match List – I with List – II and find correct answer from the given code:
List – I                        List – II
a. Rigorism                  i. Moore
b. Emotivism               ii. Kant
c. Intuitionism             iii. Butler
d. Utilitarianism          iv. Ayer
       a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii iv i iii
(C) ii iv iii i
(D) i iv iii ii
Answer: (C)

55. Match List – I with List – II and mark correct answer from given code:
List – I                                                List – II
a. Self is Real                                      i. Justice
b. Respect for World Harmony          ii. Postulate of Morality
c. Cardinal Virtue                               iii. Duty
d. Retributive Theory                          iv. Punishment
        a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) iii ii iv i
(C) i iii ii iv
(D) ii iii i iv
Answer: (D)

56. Emotivism upholds that ethical statements do not express
(A) Truths or falsehoods
(B) Ontological states
(C) Rational states
(D) Effective states
Answer: (A)

57. ‘Naturalistic fallacy’ is
(A) The outcome of naturalism
(B) The outcome of naturalized epistemology
(C) The outcome of natural theology
(D) The outcome of identifying an ethical concept with natural concept
Answer: (D)

58. Nominalism is a theory which says
(A) That universals are not real but are only names or words.
(B) The universals are not names.
(C) That universals are established on reason.
(D) That universals are concepts.
Answer: (A)

59. Which one of the following is not a statement of value?
(A) Honesty is the best policy.
(B) We believe honesty to be the best policy.
(C) Never indulge in dishonesty.
(D) let us all be honest.
Answer: (B)

60. Which one of the following is not a synthetic a priori judgement, according to Kant?
(A) All bodies have weight.
(B) All bodies have specific gravity.
(C) 9 + 7 = 16
(D) Every change has a cause.
Answer: (Wrong question)

61. For Descartes the proposition ‘I think’ is self-verifying because
(A) It is a necessary truth.
(B) It is a logical truth.
(C) Doubting it confirms it.
(D) Thinking is my essence.
Answer: (C)

62. Svadharma is advocated by
(A) Krishn.a
(B) Rāvan.a
(C) S tā
(D) All the above
Answer: (A)

63. Which one of the following is known as Triratna?
(A) Shravan. a, Manana, Nididhyāsana
(B) Darshan, J~nāna, Chāritra
(C) Maitr, Kāmnā, Muditā
(D) Sagha, Dhamma, Buddha
Answer: (B)

64. R. ta of the Vedic world was closer to
(A) Legal order
(B) Truth
(C) Karma
(D) Social order
Answer: (B)

65. Karma in Mahābhārata, was more concerned with
(A) Deva-r.n.a
(B) Pit.ri-r.n.a
(C) Mitra-r.n.a
(D) Bhuta-r.n.a
Answer: (Wrong question)

66. Which one of the following sets, in the context of ashrama dharma, is not matching?
(A) Gandhi – Brahmacharya and Grihastha
(B) Śakara – Brahmacharya and Sanyas
(C)Yāj ~n avalkya – Grihastha and Sanyas
(D) Vivekānanda – Brahmacharya and Grihastha
Answer: (D)

67. Brahmavihāras include the following
(A) Maitr, Karun.ā, Vinaya, Upeks. ā
(B) Maitrī, Karun.ā,, Muditā, Upeks. ā
(C) Vinaya, Karun. a, Muditā, Upeks. ā
(D) Maitr, Muditā, Upeks. ā, Vinaya
Answer: (B)

68. The system which holds the view that scripture is stronger than perception is
(A) Jaina
(B) Bauddha
(C) Advaita Vedāntā
(D) Nyāya
Answer: (C)

69. According to Nyāya, we perceive Samavāya by the sense-object contact known as
(A) Samavāya
(B) Samavetasamavāya
(C) Viśes. an. atā
(D) Sam. yoga
Answer: (C)

70. The definition of pratyaks.a
‘Pratyaksa kalpanā abhrānta ’ is given by
(A) Vasubandhu
(B) Kamalaś la
(C) Di nāga
(D) Dharmakrti
Answer: (D)

71. Paks.adharmatā is a relation between
(A) Hetu and Sādhya
(B) Paks. a and Sādhya
(C) Paks. a and Hetu
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)

72. What type of sannikars.a takes place during the perception of rūpatva according to Nyāya Philosophy?
(A) Samavāya
(B) Sam.yukta-samaveta-samavāya
(C) Samaveta-samavāya
(D) Viś ata

73. In Kantian ethics ‘an objective principle of action’ is called
(A) A maxim
(B) A rule
(C) A practical law
(D) An imperative
Answer: (A)

74. The definition which proceeds by simply showing what is intended is called
(A) Norms definition
(B) Wide definition
(C) Extensive definition
(D) Ostensive definition
Answer: (D)

75. According to Spinoza, an ‘attribute’ is that
(A) Which the intellect perceives as constituting the essence of a substance.
(B) Which the intellect perceives as constituting the accidental property of a substance.
(C) Which the intellect perceives as constituting the rational property of a substance.
(D) Which the intellect perceives as the spiritual property of a substance.
Answer: (A)

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