Thursday, November 1, 2018

2012 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Anthropology, Paper III

1. “Venus of Willendorf” belongs to which of the following traditions?
(A) Perigordian
(B) Aurignacian
(C) Gravettian
(D) Magdalenian
Answer: (B)

2. In which of the following cultural traditions does one find the tool type Lunate?
(A) Mousterian
(B) Magdalenian
(C) Choukoutien
(D) Tardenoisean
Answer: (D)

3. Mature Harappan site in Haryana is best represented at which of the following sites?
(A) Ahichchatra
(B) Kalibangan
(C) Amri
(D) Mitathal
Answer: (D)

4. Metal technology, Art and Writing is known from which one of the following cultures?
(A) Jorwe
(B) Banasian
(C) Harappa
(D) Painted Grey Ware
Answer: (C)

5. Harpoons with a hole in the body are found in which one of the following traditions?
(A) Tardenoisean
(B) Kitchen Midden
(C) Azilian
(D) Campignian
Answer: (C)

6. In line with Friedrich Ratzel’s theory which one of the following is the correct statement?
(A) Single items of culture tended to diffuse, whereas whole “culture complex” were spread
by migration.
(B) Single items of culture spread by migration, whereas “culture complex” diffuse.
(C) Both single items of culture as well as “culture complex” diffuse.
(D) Both single items of culture as well as “culture complex” spread through migration.
Answer: (A)

7. Who among the following challenged the universal nature of Oedipus complex and instead proposed a culturally specific, parallel nuclear complex?
(A) Franz Boas
(B) Margared Mead
(C) Brownslaw Malinowski
(D) Ralph Linton
Answer: (C)

8. The roots of New Ethnography in Social-cultural Anthropology lie on
(A) Holistic approach
(B) Eromic approach
(C) Etic approach
(D) Linguistic approach
Answer: (B)

9. Malinowski propounded Functional Theory based on his ethnographic field work among…..
(A) Andamanese
(B) Trobriand Islanders
(C) Nicobarese
(D) Nuer
Answer: (B)

10. The concept of ‘Technonomy’ was first used in Anthropology by
(A) E. B. Tylor
(B) L. H. Morgan
(C) R. H. Lowie
(D) Benedict
Answer: (A)
11. Which one of the following statements about descent affiliation is correct?
(A) Unilineal descent refers to the fact that a person is affiliated with a group of kin through descent links of one sex only.
(B) Ambilineal descent affiliates individuals with kin related to them through either men or women.
(C) Bilateral descent refers to the fact that one’s relatives on both the mother’s and father’s sides of family are of equal importance or, more usually, unimportant.
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)

12. Which of the following commission(s) was/were set up by President of India in fulfillment of constitutional requirement?
(A) Backward Classes Commission headed by Kaka Kalelkar (1953)
(B) Backward Class Commission headed by B. P. Mandal (1979)
(C) Scheduled Area and Scheduled Tribes Commission headed by U. N. Dheber (1961)
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)

13. Who among the following was not an advocate of British Evolutionary School?
(A) E. B. Tylor
(B) H. J. S. Maine
(C) S. J. G. Frazer
(D) L. H. Morgan
Answer: (D)

14. A man with type ‘A’ blood marries a woman with type “AB” blood. What are the different blood types their children could have?
(A) A only
(B) AB only
(C) A and AB
(D) A, B and AB
Answer: (D)

15. Levalloise technique appears for the first time in which one of the following cultural traditions?
(A) Azillo-Tardenoisean
(B) Acheulian
(C) Aurignacian
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)

16. Which one of the following Articles of Indian Constitution states that there shall be a Minister In-Charge of Tribal Welfare in the State of Bihar, M.P. and Orissa?
(A) Article – 244
(B) Article – 330
(C) Article – 275
(D) Article – 164
Answer: (D)

17. Which of the following correctly represents cultural relativism?
(A) Cultural patterns or traits that exist in some but not all societies.
(B) Culture in the general sense as a possession shared by hominids.
(C) Tendency to view one’s own culture as best.
(D) The position that the values and standards of cultures differ and deserve respect.
Answer: (D)

18. Who among the following is the author of the book “Caste among the Non-Hindus in India”?
(A) G. S. Ghureye
(B) S. C. Dubey
(C) T. K. Oomen
(D) Imtiaz Ahamed
Answer: (D)

19. Who among the following added the concepts of ‘Cultural Intensity’ and ‘Cultural Climax’ to that of ‘Culture area’?
(A) E. B. Tylor
(B) A. L. Krober
(C) Franz Boas
(D) Clark Wissler
Answer: (B)

20. What are alleles?
(A) These are genes controlling the same trait.
(B) These are genes on same locus of the chromosome
(C) These are genes controlling one trait that are able to recombine.
(D) These are genes unable to control the same trait.
Answer: (B)
21. Who discovered the principle of segregation?
(A) G. Mendel
(B) R. Lewis
(C) A. Stewart
(D) L. C. Dunn
Answer: (A)

22. Who said that species are capable of producing offspring at a faster rate than food supplies?
(A) A. R. Wallace
(B) G. Mendel
(C) C. Darwin
(D) E. Dubois
Answer: (C)

23. Change in growth pattern with respect to time can be measured by
(A) Distance curve
(B) Velocity curve
(C) Acceleration curve
(D) Mean curve
Answer: (A)

24. Vitamin required for calcium Absorption is
(A) Vitamin B
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin K
Answer: (B)

25. Individuals were studied for a continuous period of 10 years in a research project. The statement is an example of
(A) Cross – sectional study
(B) Semi – longitudinal study
(C) Mixed longitudinal study
(D) Longitudinal study
Answer: (D)

26. Which one of the following patterns is more common on fingers?
(A) Tented arch
(B) Ulnar loops
(C) Accidentals
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)

27. 27. Which one of the following is pattern intensity index?
(A) Whorls/Loops × 100
(B) (2[Whorls] + Loops)/N
(C) Arches/ Whorls × 100
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)

28. In a population which one of the following cannot maintain genetic equilibrium?
(A) The number of lethal mutations increases.
(B) The population evolves
(C) The gene frequencies change
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)

29. Ethnocide is a process in which the members of an ethnic
(A) survive but loose or severely modify their ancestral culture
(B) are brutally killed
(C) maintain its cultural patterns by enforcing a normative pattern
(D) commit suicide due to compulsive situation.
Answer: (A)

30. Pantheon is
(A) collection of supernatural beings in a particular religion
(B) worship of an external, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent supreme being.
(C) belief in several deities who control aspects of nature
(D) sacred impersonal force in Melanesian and Polynesian culture.
Answer: (A)

31. A population that is relatively heterozygous for a particular trait would show
(A) low heritability
(B) no heritability
(C) high heritability
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)

32. Monozygotic twins having the same genotype for a given trait can show variation in phenotype corresponding to that same genotype. This is due to
(A) The environment
(B) The penetrance and expressivity of that gene
(C) The concordance of the individuals
(D) None of the above
Answer: (B)


Carefully observe the above diagram. In case the property is transferred from person bearing number 2 to person bearing number 5 to person bearing number 14, identify the type of descent.
(A) Patrilineal
(B) Matrilineal
(C) Bilateral
(D) Cognitive
Answer: (B)

34. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Acculturation refers to culture change that takes place as a result of sustained contact between two societies.
Reason (R): One of the two societies is subordinate to the other.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(B) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
(C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
Answer: (D)

35. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Agricultural life, as opposed to hunting-gathering life, may favour extended families among agriculturalists.
Reason (R): The need for mobility in hunter – gatherer societies may make it difficult to maintain extended –family households. Based on the above statements, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.
(C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
Answer: (A)

36. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Majority of sites in India Neolithic and Chalcolithic do not show any sharp distinction.
Reason (R): In most cases these transformations occur in rural setting.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
(C) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
Answer: (A)

37. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Harappan culture shows a decline in the western region first.
Reason (R): Climate change progresses from west to east. On the basis of above, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.
(C) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
Answer: (B)

38. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Cyclone storm surges are also known as Typhoon and Hurricane.
Reason (R): Cyclone Aila was not a typical Hurricane. On the basis of the above, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
(C) (A) is wrong (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
Answer: (B)

39. Given below are two statements. One is labelled a Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Breast milk is ideal food for infants.
Reason (R): Breast milk does not protect infant from early malnutrition and infection. On the basis of above, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.
Answer: (C)

40. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Sickle cell trait is predominant in some African populations.
Reason (R): African population lives in malarial endemic zones. On the basis of above, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true.
Answer: (D)

41. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): In mammals, body size tends to be greater in colder climates.
Reason (R): Greater body sizes decreases surface areas. On the basis of above, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.
Answer: (A)

42. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Pre-term babies, in general, are low-birth weight babies.
Reason (R): Intrauterine infections lead to pre-term babies. On the basis of above, choose the correct answer.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(B) (A) is true, and (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, and (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
Answer: (D)

43. Identify the correct sequence from recent to the earliest.
(A) Deep Ecology – Cultural Ecology – Ethnoecology Cultural Materialism
(B) Ethnoecology – Deep Ecology – Cultural Materialism – Cultural Ecology
(C) Ecological Anthropology – Ethno ecology – Deep Ecology – Cultural Materialism
(D) Deep Ecology – Ethnoecology – Cultural Materialism – Ecological Anthropology
Answer: (D)

44. Identify the correct sequence in the Linnaean hierarchy of classification:
(A) Species – amily – genus – superfamily – suborder – order – Phylum – Kingdom
(B) Kingdom – phylum – order – suborder – superfamily – family – genus – species
(C) Kingdom – order – phylum – family – sub order – superfamily – species – genus
(D) Order – kingdom – phylum – suborder – superfamily – family – species – genus.
Answer: (B)

45. Identify the correct sequence of the major events in primate evolution:
(A) Prosimians – Hominoids – Anthropoids – Hominids
(B) Anthropoids – Prosimians – Hominids – Hominoids
(C) Prosimians – Anthropoids – Hominoids – Hominids
(D) Hominids – Hominoids – Anthropoids – Prosimians
Answer: (C)

46. Identify the correct stage of prophase of Meiosis I:
(A) Leptotene – Zygotene – Pachytene – Diplotene – Diakinesis
(B) Leptotene – Pachytene – Diplotene – Zygotene – Diakinesis
(C) Diakinesis – Leptotene – Zygotene – Pachytene – Diplotene
(D) Diplotene – Diakinesis – Leptotene – Zygotene –
Answer: (A)

47. Identify the correct sequence in the period of pathogenesis:
(A) No specific signs and symptoms – Illness – Permanent damage – Death
(B) No specific signs and symptoms – Permanent – damage – Illness – Death
(C) Death – Illness – Permanent damage – No specific signs and symptoms
(D) Permanent damage – Death – Illness – No specific signs and symptoms.
Answer: (A)

48. Arrange the following in sequence:
(A) Würm – Riss – Günz – Mindel
(B) Mindel – Würm – Riss – Günz
(C) Günz – Mindel – Riss – Würm
(D) Riss – Würm – Mindel – Günz
Answer: (C)

49. Identify the correct sequence of Evans-Pritchard’s studies in ascending chronology:
(A) Nuer – Azande – Sanusi
(B) Azande – Sanusi – Nuer
(C) Nuer – Sanusi – Azande
(D) Sanusi – Nuer – Azande
Answer: (A)

50. Identify the correct sequence of purusharthas according to Hindu Tradition:
(A) Dharma – Artha – Kama – Moksha
(B) Moksha – Kama – Artha – Dharma
(C) Kama – Moksha – Dharma – Artha
(D) Artha – Dharma – Moksha – Kama
Answer: (A)

51. Which one of the following sequence of Ashrama Dharmas in ascending order is correct?
(A) Sanyasa – Vanaprasthana – Gruhasta – Brahamcharya
(B) Brahamcharya – Gruhasta – Vana prasthana – Sanyasa
(C) Gruhasta – Vanaprasthana – Brahamcharya – Sanyasa
(D) Vanprasthana – Brahamcharya – Sanyasa – Gruhasta
Answer: (B)

52. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use code given below:
List – I                                                                        List – II
(a) Iodine                                                        (i) Faltered immunity
(b) Odema                                                       (ii) Source of energy
(c) Disease                                                       (iii) Goitre
(d) Carbohydrate                                            (iv) Malnutrition
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iv)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)
(B)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)        (iv)
(C)       (iv)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)
(D)       (iii)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)
Answer: (D)

53. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Growth                                                      (i) Defective colour vision
(b) H. Kalmus                                                             (ii) Hominids
(c) Molecular anthropology                             (iii) Sub- Cutaneous fat
(d) Plesitocene                                                (iv) Evolution
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)
(B)       (iii)       (i)         (iv)       (ii)
(C)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(D)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)        (iv)
Answer: (B)

54. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                                        List – II
(a) Sex influenced trait                                               (i) Huntington’s disease
(b) Thalassemia                                                           (ii) XXY Syndrome
(c) Male sterility                                                          (iii) Baldness
(d) Spontaneous mutation                                           (iv) Malaria
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iii)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)
(B)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)
(C)       (iv)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)
(D)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)       (iii)
Answer: (A)

55. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use code given below:
List – I                                    List – II
(a) Suppressed gene                (i) Turner’s Syndrome
(b) Deletion                             (ii) Epistatic
(c) Reciprocal translocation    (iii) Segment of chromosome missing
(d) Monosomy                        (iv) Pieces of two non homologous chromosomes interchanged.
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (ii)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)
(B)       (i)         (iv)       (iii)       (ii)
(C)       (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(D)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)
Answer: (C)

56. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use code given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Basal metabolic rate                                   (i) Social cementing
(b) Communication                                         (ii) Man
(c) Grooming                                                   (iii) Information
(d) Erect posture                                             (iv) Metabolism
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)
(B)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)        (iv)
(C)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)       (iv)
(D)       (iv)      (iii)       (i)         (ii)
Answer: (D)

57. Match the ‘Basic Need’ with corresponding ‘Cultural Response’.
List – I (Basic Need)                                      List – II (Cultural Response)
(a) Growth                                                      (1) Commissariat
(b) Metabolism                                                (2) Activities
(c) Bodily Comfort                                         (3) Training
(d) Movement                                                             (4) Shelter
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (3)        (4)        (1)        (2)
(B)       (2)        (1)        (3)        (4)
(C)       (4)        (2)        (1)        (3)
(D)       (3)        (1)        (4)        (2)
Answer: (D)

58. Match an item of List-I with item of List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Racial theory                                              (i) Nesfield
(b) Occupational theory                                  (ii) Risely
(c) Ethical theory                                            (iii) G. S. Ghurye
(d) Political theory                                          (iv) S. C. Roy
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)       (iii)
(B)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)
(C)       (i)         (iii)       (iv)       (ii)
(D)       (iv)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)
Answer: (A)

59. Match an item of List-I with an item of List-II. Use codes given below :
List – I                                    List – II
(a) McKim Marriott                (i) Rampura
(b) F. G. Bailey                       (ii) Shamir Pet
(c) S. C. Dube                                     (iii) Kishan Garhi
(d) M. N. Srinivas                   (iv) Bisipara
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (i)         (iv)       (iii)       (ii)
(B)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(C)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)
(D)       (iii)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)
Answer: (D)

60. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Didwana                                                    (i) Middle Pleistocene site of France
(b) Terra Amata                                               (ii) Lower Palaeolithic in Spain
(c) Torralba                                                      (iii) Lower Palaeolithic in French riviera
(d) Lazaret                                                      (iv) Lower Palaeolithic in Rajasthan
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)
(B)       (i)         (iii)       (iv)       (ii)
(C)       (ii)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)
(D)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)
Answer: (A)

61. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use the code given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Dolmen                                                      (i) Harappan Ware
(b) Black-and- Red Ware                                (ii) Ahar
(c) Painted Grey Ware                                    (iii) Brahmagiri
(d) Lusterous Ware                                         (iv) Ahichchatra
Codes :
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (ii)        (iii)       (i)         (iv)
(B)       (iii)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)
(C)       (i)         (iv)       (iii)       (ii)
(D)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)
Answer: (B)

62. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                List – II
(a) Anyathian                                      (i) Levalloisean Point
(b) Fauresmith                                     (ii) Chopper / Chopping
(c) Mousterian                                     (iii) Side Scraper
(d) Acheulian                                      (iv) Cleabers
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)       (iv)
(B)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)       (iii)
(C)       (ii)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)
(D)       (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)
Answer: (A)

63. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Catal Huyuk                                              (i) Banasian
(b) Nagda                                                        (ii) Pit dwelling
(c) Gufkral                                                      (iii) Malwa ware
(d) Gilund                                                       (iv) Mesolithic in Turkey
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)       (iv)
(B)       (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)
(C)       (iii)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)
(D)       (ii)        (iii)       (i)         (iv)
Answer: (B)

64. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                List – II
(a) Piklihal                                           (i) Deccan Neolithic
(b) Hunsgi                                           (ii) Lower Palaeolithic
(c) Teri                                                 (iii) Mesolithic
(d) Daojali Hading                              (iv) Eastern Neolithic
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)       (iv)
(B)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)       (iii)
(C)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)
(D)       (iii)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)
Answer: (A)

65. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                List – II
(a) Deforestation                                 (i) SARC
(b) Endocanibalism                             (ii) Malaria
(c) Zoonotic Exposure                                    (iii) Hookworm
(d) Agriculture                                    (iv) Kuru
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(B)       (i)         (iii)       (iv)       (ii)
(C)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)
(D)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)       (iii)
Answer: (A)

66. Match the following List-I wish List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                List – II
(a) Bihar                                              (i) Earthquake
(b) Uttar Kashi                                    (ii) Tsunami
(c) West Bengal                                  (iii) Flood
(d) Andaman Islands                          (iv) Cyclone
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)
(B)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)
(C)       (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(D)       (iii)       (i)         (iv)       (ii)
Answer: (D)

67. Match an item in List-I with item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                List – II
(a) Universal                                        (i) Morgan
(b) Multi-linear                                    (ii) White and Childe
(c) Unilinear                                        (iii) Adolf Bastian
(d) Classical evolution                        (iv) Jullian Steward
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(B)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)       (iii)
(C)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)         (iv)
(D)       (iv)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)
Answer: (A)

68. Match an item in List-I with item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Little and Great Tradition                                     (i) L. P. Vidyarthi
(b) Universalization and Parochialization       (ii) Robert Redfield
(c) Dominant Caste                                         (iii) Mckim Marriott
(d) Sacred complex                                         (iv) M. N. Srinivas
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iv)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)
(B)       (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(C)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(D)       (iii)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)
Answer: (B)

69. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                            List – II
(a) Skull                                                           (i) Acetabulum
(b) Glenoid Cavity                                          (ii) Maxilla
(c) Greater Trochanter                                     (iii) Scapula
(d) Pelvis                                                         (iv) Femur
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)       (iii)
(B)       (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(C)       (i)         (iv)       (ii)        (iii)
(D)       (ii)        (iii)       (i)         (iv)
Answer: (B)

70. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use codes given below:
List – I                                                List – II
(a) Insulin                                            (i) Lipid profile
(b) DNA                                              (ii) Frequency polygon
(c) Data                                               (iii) Protein
(d) Heart disease                                 (iv) Diabetes
(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(A)       (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)
(B)       (iv)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)
(C)       (ii)        (iii)       (i)         (iv)
(D)       (i)         (iii)       (ii)        (iv)
Answer: (A)

Read the following text and choose/pick the correct answer in each of the following questions (Q. 71-75)
Anthropologists are generally thought of as individuals who travel to little-known corners of the world to study exotic peoples or who dig deep into the earth to uncover the fossil remains or the tools and pots of people who lived long ago. These views, though clearly stereotyped, do indicate how anthropology differs from other disciplines concerned with humans. Anthropology is broader in scope, both geographically and historically. Anthropology is concerned explicitly and directly with all varieties of people throughout the world, not just those close at hand or within a limited area. It is also interested in people of all periods. Beginning with the immediate ancestors of humans, who lived a few million years ago, anthropology traces the development of humans until the present. Every part of the world that has ever contained a human population is of interest to anthropologists.
Anthropologists have not always been as global and comprehensive in their concerns as they are today. Traditionally, they concentrated on non-Western cultures and left the study of Western civilization and similarly complex societies, with their recorded histories, to other disciplines. In recent years, however, this division of labour among the disciplines has begun to disappear. Now anthropologists work in their own and other complex societies.
What induces anthropologists to choose so broad a subject for study? In part, they are motivated by the belief that any suggested generalization about human beings, any possible explanation of some characteristic of human culture or biology, should be shown to apply to many times and places of human existence. If a generalization of explanation does not prove to apply widely, we are entitled or even obliged to be skeptical about it. The skeptical attitude, in the absence of persuasive evidence, is our best protection against accepting invalid ideas about humans.

71. What was traditionally the subject matter of study of anthropologists?
(A) Primitive cultures
(B) Other cultures
(C) Little known culture
(D) Non-western culture
Answer: (D)

72. Anthropology is now concerned with
(A) All varieties of people
(B) People of all periods
(C) Every part of the world that has ever contained a human population
(D) All of the above matters
Answer: (D)

73. By what kind of belief anthropologists feel motivated?
(A) Exotic people are worth watching.
(B) Material and non-material culture of indigenous people are interesting objects of study.
(C) Examination of cultural standards and patterns of one’s own culture with that of an alien culture.
(D) Application of the generalization about and explanation of human beings their cultures to many times and places of human existence.
Answer: (D)

74. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(A) Anthropology studies the immediate ancestors of human who lived a few million years
(B) Anthropology studies the development of humans
(C) Anthropology studies only the exotic people
(D) All of the above
Answer: (C)

75. Find out the correct statement as per the text.
(A) Now anthropologists work in a specialized branch of anthropology
(B) Now anthropologists work in their own society and other complex societies.
(C) Now anthropologists work in both tribal and non-tribal societies
(D) Now anthropologists work more in their own societies.
Answer: (B)

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